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Water-Aerobics class is a new form of strength and conditioning that we are offering. You must sign up below to be a part of the fun! 

*ALL CLASSES WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY MORNINGS AT 9:30 A.M.* Water-Aerobic class does NOT start until June 4th.

In this 45 minute class, you will build muscle while having relaxation. It is an extreme calorie burner, fat burner, and muscle building exercise. There is no level required to enter this class. Beginners are welcome and so are people who are more experienced. Experience Growth! 


On some class days, you will experience Aqua-Zumba! A fun dance party in the water. On days that we switch it up and do Aqua Zumba, you will gain strength in your legs and arms while being relaxed in the water. 

We highly recommend bringing your own weight for the class, but if you need our instructors to provide one for you, please include that on your sign up!


Pay for a One Time Class - $20

Pay Monthly for One Class a Week - $60

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